Coffee With Creatives
February 29, 2024
7:30 am - 8:30 am
Thursday, February 29th at 7:30AM—SCSU Welcome Center (Please park vehicles on the street!)
Are you a professional or a student in the creative field? Don’t you want to connect and see the people you’re working with in this wild frontier?
Get connected! Have a cup! And join us, AAFCM, and your creative community for the return of Coffee with Creatives. Stay for a mind enriching subject led by Board Member Jeremiah Fromm-Ringsmuth, a professional creative in Central MN with more than 20 years dedicated to the craft of marketing.
Topic: How Brands Grow!
We will take a look at distinction vs differentiation in this norm-busting book that attempts to smash nearly 40 years of marketing best practices.
Here’s the details:
Who: Open to all professional or student creatives.
What: Coffee! Yes, of course. Mingle with your favorite people. Participate in a rousing discussion with folks from all corners of this multidisciplinary industry. Learn, share and grow.
When: Thursday, Feb 29th at 7:30AM, sharp! Byron Sharp! (lol, get it? No? You will after this event!)
Where: SCSU Welcome center. PLEASE, PLEASE—park on the streets near the Welcome Center. Avoid the lot as there is another group that already paid to park there.
Why and How: Be the master of your own destiny. You decide to be there, and you decide why. Didn’t we give you enough reasons?
Cost: $1 million? —no! This time it’s free for all! Please let us know if you are coming by registering below.
Venue: St. Cloud State University Welcome Center